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Startup Spring festival kick off

From music to food, Australians flock to festivals across the country year round. 

This September, Australians will have the chance to celebrate the tech startup community through Startup Spring, a three-week long festival of more than 50 events around the country.

The festival, run by not-for-profit group StartupAUS, aims to promote tech startups to key influencers and encourage entrepreneurship.

Alan Noble, founding board member of StartupAUS and engineering director at Google Australia, said the festival is key to bringing start-ups to the fore in Australia.

“With today’s focus on how Australia can maintain its wealth beyond the resource sector, there’s never been a better time for Australia to become the creators, rather than just the consumers, of technology,” Noble said.

“We want to see Australian kids growing up not just aspiring to be lawyers, doctors, or bankers, but also to see entrepreneurship as a valid and rewarding path.”

To see what events are happening in your state, visit the Startup Spring website.

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Gina Baldassarre

Gina Baldassarre

Gina is a journalist at Dynamic Business. She enjoys learning to ice skate and collecting sappy inspirational quotes.

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