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Amazon taking on Google and Microsoft with email service

Amazon is targeting the business sector with Amazon WorkMail, a new email system currently available for preview.

Amazon is calling their new Amazon Web Services (AWS) based technology a “secure, managed business email and calendaring service in the cloud.”

The new system allows users to send and receive emails using their current services, offering integration with Microsoft Outlook, Web browsers, or native iOS and Android applications. The integration incorporates contacts, share calendars and book resources.

“Customers have repeatedly asked us for a business email and calendaring service that is more cost-effective and simpler to manage than their on-premises solution, more secure than the cloud-based offerings available today, and that is backed by the same best-in-class infrastructure platform on which they’re reliably running so many of their current (and future) workloads,” AWS Compute Services Vice President Peter De Santis said.

“We built Amazon WorkMail to address these requests and to help businesses achieve agility and cost savings by letting AWS manage the non-differentiated heavy lifting involved in corporate email and calendaring.”

The service is said to reduce costs for businesses paying for email services, with charges only arising for mailboxes created. There’s no need to pay for servers, licenses, upgrades, patches and back-up systems.

Amazon is pushing the service’s security features, which will see all data transmitted encrypted using SSL. Also, the integration of the AWS Key Management Service will allow users to control personal encryption keys. The rising issue of data residency is also being taken into account, with WorkMail offering users the freedom to choose the AWS region they want storing the data.

WorkMail, which will cost users $US4 per email inbox monthly, is expected to be officially launched in Q2 of 2015.

Those wanting to try it out earlier can sign up for a preview HERE.

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Guillermo Troncoso

Guillermo Troncoso

Guillermo is the Editor of Dynamic Business and Manager of film &amp; television entertainment site ScreenRealm.com. Follow him on <a href="https://twitter.com/gtponders">Twitter</a>.

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