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Holidaymakers must spend $31 billion leave

Australian employees have $31 billion in unused leave, more than three times the size of the stimulus package, which should be used to assist the economy, says Minister for Tourism Martin Ferguson.
Tourism Australia and a number of employer groups will meet this week to discuss the ‘No Leave, No Life’ campaign, designed to “encourage people to organise their lives at work and at home to actually have a break, and to have a break here in Australia,” explains Ferguson.
The campaign will focus on the benefits of taking a break regularly: for employees, the energy they regain during their time away, making them happier and better workers, and for employers, reducing the cost of paying out leave after a long accrual period due to rising wages.
It will also encourage people to take a domestic holiday to stimulate the Australian tourism industry and the economy.

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Adeline Teoh

Adeline Teoh

Adeline Teoh is a journalist with more than a decade of publishing experience in the fields of business, education, travel, health, and project management. She has specialised in business since 2003.

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