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Ten examples of how AI will transform business processes

There is no doubt that Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the hottest topics in the business and marketing worlds right now.

AI has become increasingly prevalent in the business world, revolutionising various aspects of operations and saving businesses hours in labour time. 

Here are ten examples of how AI is likely to transform business processes:

  • AI and Personal Assistants: Virtual assistants like Amazon Echo, Google Home, and Apple HomePod are just the beginning. These AI-powered personal assistants will become increasingly intelligent, handling a range of daily activities. While they offer convenience, concerns about privacy and data analysis have arisen.
  • AI and Market Research: IBM’s Watson and similar AI applications can conduct comprehensive research, enabling businesses to compare competitors and generate accurate predictions about new products or services 
  • AI and Sales: AI can enhance the entire sales process, from lead generation to personalized marketing messages. Major CRM software providers are already integrating AI features into their tools, enabling prediction of customer needs and analysis of their buying processes.
  • AI and Digital Marketing: AI can significantly improve digital marketing activities, including content generation in written, audio, and video formats. This saves time and resources but also raises concerns about potential misuse for manipulative purposes.
  • AI and Email Marketing: AI can optimize email marketing campaigns by leveraging valuable data. For instance, analyzing open rates, engagement patterns, and keywords can enhance effectiveness. Tools like Boomerang Respondable utilize AI to provide suggestions for improving email content. 
  • AI and Leadership Teams: As the digital economy grows more complex, AI tools that analyze vast amounts of data become essential for assisting business leaders in making data-driven decisions. Companies like Tieto have already incorporated AI into their leadership teams.
  • AI and Customer Service: AI-powered chatbots are automating and improving customer service experiences. Alibaba’s AliMe chatbot, for instance, employs voice recognition, semantic understanding, and personalized recommendations. Implementing chatbots, even rule-based ones, can enhance customer service.
  • AI and Accounting: Repetitive and rule-based tasks in the financial sector can be automated by AI and robotic process automation (RPA). While meeting with clients and providing explanations still require human involvement, there is a high likelihood of AI automating accountants’ and auditors’ jobs.
  • AI and Human Resources: AI technologies can assist in initial candidate screening by analyzing video presentations and social media content. However, concerns regarding bias and ethics in AI-driven hiring processes have been raised.
  • AI and Law: AI platforms like LawGeex have showcased impressive capabilities, outperforming human legal teams in tasks such as identifying legal issues in non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). AI’s efficiency and accuracy make it a valuable tool in addressing legal challenges.

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Blake Micola

Blake Micola

Blake Micola is the founder of the award-winning advertising and digital marketing agency, GMS Media Group.

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